Birthday 2016!

Happy birthday to me! For as long as I can remember, I’ve only had fond memories of my birthdays so birthdays have always been special to me.  I have to first start by thanking God for giving me another year of life.  As I get older, I realize a few things I’d liked to share as I reflect back after all it only helps me see things clearer as I move forward. 


1) We have to be appreciative but not too comfortable in the sense that we can always do more and be more.  I am incredibly grateful today because I can truly say that I do not need anything, at least nothing that can be bought.  It’s not because I have so much but because I am content with what I have.  Whenever I feel bad about something frivolous I might want or think I need although none presently, I think of those that have it worse and instantly appreciate more.   

2) I’m certain my parents, and Jason are my best friends

3)When someone shows you who they are the first time, believe them

4)With friends, quality over quantity.  And I believe it’s not how long you’ve known a person but how you connect and they prove themselves to you in the amount of time you’ve known them.

5)Spending time with yourself is ok and has it’s advantages.  I can say I am now ok with spending time by myself.  Don’t get me wrong because I do enjoy spending time with family and friends but I’d always wanted to be comfortable being a friend to myself and I can say that I am just fine with that presently.  I’d seen a quote and loved it.  It stated “if you make friends with yourself, you’ll never be alone”.  

Anyway, as I enter into a new age, I pray that whatever amazing plans God has for me come to fruition.  I’m off to eat cake so thanks for stopping by! (ps. I’ll do an outfit post with more pictures and details soon)



  1. Unknown
    December 5, 2016 / 8:38 pm

    Happy birthday. Thank God for the grace to grow and learn

  2. Hello Yvonne
    December 7, 2016 / 9:11 pm

    Thank you very much and yes we thank God for that!!

  3. Blessedcutiebabes
    December 16, 2016 / 12:20 am

    Happy birthday babe! I just love ur personality

  4. Hello Yvonne
    December 22, 2016 / 9:59 am

    Thank you very much!!